Sunshine Hospitals

Physiotherapy Department

Physiotherapy Department

About the Physiotherapy Department

Our focus is quality of life
Physiotherapy is a health science applied to the study, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of functional kinetic dysfunctions of organs and systems.

Purpose of the service

To promote quality of life and healthy longevity through physiotherapy prevention and rehabilitation.

Our mission is to promote the health of body and mind and to rehabilitate through movement and cognitive activities that stimulate the individual’s functional capacity, autonomy and independence.

Through specific exercises and tasks we stimulate motor and mental function, with strength, mobility, balance, sensory and cognitive stimulation activities.

Treatment Modalities:

What diseases/conditions can be treated with physiotherapy?

  • Herniated disc.
  • Low back pain.
  • Sciatica.
  • Spinal cord injury.
  • Hip osteoarthritis.
  • Knee arthrosis.
  • Goose foot tendonitis, among others.
  • Ankle sprain.
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Urinary incontinence

Among others…

Treatments offered

Classic physiotherapy: Using resources such as Thermotherapy, Electrotherapy, Cryotherapy and Kinesiotherapy in the treatment of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular pathologies and post-surgical rehabilitation, it enables patients to return to their activities as soon as possible.
Neurological physiotherapy: Based on exercises that promote the restoration of motor functions, resolving motor deficiencies with an important foundation in the neurophysiological principles of neuromuscular facilitation.
Orthopaedic physiotherapy: Works to prevent and treat musculoskeletal dysfunctions, as well as osteomyoarticular and tendon alterations that can arise as a result of acute and/or chronic trauma, including repetitive strain injuries.

Another segment is the orientation and preparation of patients undergoing elective surgery, where the region to be operated on can be worked on, enabling faster and more efficient post-operative rehabilitation. In this modality, various therapeutic resources can be used depending on the diagnosis and the needs of each individual.

Global postural reeducation
The RPG technique advocates the use of specific postures to stretch muscles organised in chains, providing the correct positioning of joints and strengthening of muscles.

Vestibular Rehabilitation
Vestibular Rehabilitation is a treatment that seeks to re-establish balance by stimulating and accelerating natural compensation mechanisms through rehabilitation manoeuvres and exercises. It is indicated for people with labyrinthitis, dizziness, vertigo and feelings of instability.

The Team
Our team is made up of physiatrists and physiotherapists who are committed to finding quick and effective results to improve quality of life and healthy longevity.
It is made up of a physiatrist and a physiotherapy technician who seek to offer patients a differentiated treatment.

Why Choose Us

  • Experience and expertise

    Gained over years of serving customers.

  • A high level of service

    That was appreciated yesterday and has a place in relationships today.

  • A flexible process

    That acknowledges the uniqueness of each customer, and his or her needs.